Embedded DNS server documentation

Experimental feature!

DNS Server

A DNS Server is available but disabled by default.

The DNS server will resolve DNS queries using the blockchain as a record and will forward unknown domains by default.

It can be enabled by specifying a listening address with --dns. For example, to bind to default 53 port locally, run in the console:

edgevpn --dns ""

To turn off dns forwarding, specify --dns-forwarder=false. Optionally a list of DNS servers can be specified multiple times with --dns-forward-server.

The dns subcommand has several options:

   --dns value                             DNS listening address. Empty to disable dns server [$DNSADDRESS]
   --dns-forwarder                         Enables dns forwarding [$DNSFORWARD]                 
   --dns-cache-size value                  DNS LRU cache size (default: 200) [$DNSCACHESIZE]                  
   --dns-forward-server value              List of DNS forward server (default: "", "") [$DNSFORWARDSERVER]

Nodes of the VPN can start a local DNS server which will resolve the routes stored in the chain.

For example, to add DNS records, use the API as such:

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/dns --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Regex": "foo.bar", "Records": { "A": "" } }'

The /api/dns routes accepts POST requests as JSON of the following form:

{ "Regex": "<regex>", 
  "Records": { 
     "A": "",
     "AAAA": "...",

Note, Regex accepts regexes which will match the DNS requests received and resolved to the specified entries.